CALL TO ACTION - Ways to Engage
Many people ask us “how can we help?” “What can I sign up for?” Well here are examples of ways you can help!
Volunteer to help with : “La Conexión con el pueblo Hispano” The Connection to the Hispanic People Sept 14 (decorate, serve food, set up silent auction/door prizes, stuff piñatas, secure prizes) in Brighton
Share social posts on your Instagram and Facebook accounts
Volunteer to help register voters in Hispanic neighborhoods
Volunteer to read at Hispanic neighborhood schools
Become a spokesperson for CHR - attend community meetings, school board meetings, public gatherings
Volunteer to help with financial literacy
Attend Church functions
Volunteers at the Cinco de Mayo festival, 2022
Knock on doors for candidates
Man the CHR booth at civic events
Place a CHR sticker/magnet on your car
March in a parade with CHR